Kolloquiumsvortrag Nicolai Fischer, 08.10.2024 (Betreuer Hielscher)
A Microservice for Infrastructure as Code
Development Operations (DevOps) has become an integral part of modern application development workflows, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools have gained widespread usage in order to streamline infrastructure operations. These tools offer numerous benefits such as reproducibility, accountability, and reduced error rates due to the minimization of manual interactions. Typically this entails running IaC tools as part of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This approach works well for single applications but becomes problematic when infrastructure must change at runtime and therefore independently of the source code, as is the case with the <ınteġrate> platform ecosystem at BMW. The project explores the potential of embedding IaC technologies into applications and evaluate possible architectures.
Zeit: 10:15 Uhr
Ort: Raum 04.137, Martensstr. 3, Erlangen
Zoom-Meeting beitreten:
Meeting-ID: 683 5070 2053
Kenncode: 647333